Yeh Chanda Kanoon Hai - Episode 51

Описание к видео Yeh Chanda Kanoon Hai - Episode 51

Petitioner Mastram is a milkman who has accused his neighbor Anokhe Ram for often milking his buffalo without his knowledge. Authenticating his claim Mastram presents a photo that he clicked when Anokhe ram was sitting under the buffalo with bucket. Anokhe Ram explains that he had never milked, in fact he saw that buffalo was in deep pain due to a thorn stuck in her shoe and he was just helping it. When he is questioned about the bucket, Anokhe explains that there was first aid in the bucket. Judge adjourns the case for a day in favor of Chanda Rani. Court resumes next day leaving everyone in shock, Judge s vernacular in Urdu has suddenly improved. He pays 50,000 to Anokheram to buy his own buffalo so that he would never have to steal milk. Vibhuti had a shock of his life when he witnesses the Judge presenting a Ferrari to Chanda. Sensing something fishy he leaves the court room.

The Judge besides being hopelessly infatuated with Chanda Rani is also completely absent-minded. It is his intelligent and bright Ardali who usually saves the day for him by quietly pointing out the facts and details of the case at hand. Every episode will have a new face. The series will have a mix of drama, relationships and humour to keep the audience engaged through the run time.

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