No Rest - (YCR D-Sides; Teaser/FNF D-Sides Teasers) - (Vs. Sonic.EXE D_Sides).

Описание к видео No Rest - (YCR D-Sides; Teaser/FNF D-Sides Teasers) - (Vs. Sonic.EXE D_Sides).

Now, enough talk purple haired Boyfriend. Allow me to tell a tale. In this story, the tab is opened, In the notepad, facts are written that one way or another. A tune of a snippet that was seen within the upcoming Era, either way of one way or another. THE TALE TO A STORY NEVER ENDS!!



Composers of the song: ‎@clover  (Clover) and @Kryptos

Our credits that are shown on the list ⬆️.


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