Multi-motif Silver by Antoine Heller

Описание к видео Multi-motif Silver by Antoine Heller

Phil Dreis, owner of the Antique Cupboard, talks about the work of innovative flatware designer Antoine Heller, who worked for both Tiffany and Gorham.

Patterns discussed are "Olympian" by Tiffany, "Versailles," "Fontainebleau," and "Old Masters" by Gorham.

AntiqueCupboard — May 18, 2010 — Phil Dreis, owner of the Antique Cupboard and author of the Warman's Sterling Silver Flatware: Value & Identification Guide introduces you to the world of collecting antique sterling silver flatware in his new series. - 1-800-637-4583.

Antique Cupboard has one of the largest collections of antique sterling silverware and flatware, silver and silverplate sets, with over 1000 silver patterns in stock.


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