癌症復康諮詢服務 Cancer Rehabilitation Consultation | 處理心理相關症狀篇 Support for psychological symptoms

Описание к видео 癌症復康諮詢服務 Cancer Rehabilitation Consultation | 處理心理相關症狀篇 Support for psychological symptoms


😕 「吓?你要見心理學家?」​
🙄 「佢真的很沒用!他的醫生已轉介他去見社工。我想他可能是神經病…」​



你不用獨自面對情緒困擾的。歡迎有需要人士致電3917 9606查詢相關服務,或在Facebook內向我們傳送訊息。​

【Cancer Rehabilitation Consultation 】​

😕 “Oh no! You need to see a psychologist?”​
🙄 “He’s so weak, his doctor referred him to a social worker. Maybe he’s crazy….”​

The reality is that one person in three will encounter emotional difficulties at some point in their life, often when confronted with illness or other unexpected changes that are forced on us. ​

Through Cancer Rehabilitation Consultation, you can talk about your problems and feelings. Our social workers and clinical psychologists with specialised training in cancer care can guide you through the difficult times. ​

You don’t have to face your emotional problems alone. Give us a call on 3917 9606 / leave us a message on Facebook messenger to find out more about our Cancer Rehabilitation Consultation service. ​

📞 (+852) 3917 9606​
💻 www.jcicc.med.hku.hk​
📧 [email protected]
#HKUJCICC #香港大學賽馬會癌症綜合關護中心


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