Indian fantail Pigeon pair - Indian Fantail Pigeons Pair

Описание к видео Indian fantail Pigeon pair - Indian Fantail Pigeons Pair

Our male Indian fantail pigeons have paired up. These pigeons are nesting with each other and they are trying to couple and mate. These pigeons are inseparable and are always following each other around the coop and the aviary. It might seem that one of the pigeons is female but both birds have fathered chicks at other coops before we bought them. Are they gay pigeons or have they just paired because there are too many males?

Despite being fancy birds, our pigeons are not doves but pigeons, even though they look different from wild pigeons they are still pigeons. Doves are a slightly different species than pigeons. Fantail doves, also called english fantails, have no feathers on their feet and a smooth head with no crest. While Indian fantail pigeons have feathers on their feet, and a crest on their head. American Fantail pigeons are similar to fantail doves with their bald feet and smooth head except their necks are bent very far back so that their head is almost lost behind their neck.


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