Electric Executioner - (Spark Mandrill Theme)

Описание к видео Electric Executioner - (Spark Mandrill Theme)

Hiya all!

Next up in the weakness order, as I'm sure a few of you have guessed, is Spark Mandrill!

I was hoping to release it closer to History Repeating's 10th anniversary, but I still had to refine some of the vocals. It goes without saying that The Megas are a huge inspiration for these projects and I hope to someday have half the talent and passion they give to their music.

You will submit to the storm
Can’t you hear the
cry of freedom calling you?

Don’t you know?
You can’t stop a
Revolution alone

Slowly, day by day
This unrelenting
Can you even fathom
How we’ve been
Silenced and stifled our whole lives!

Hear me, you groveling worm
There will be no
Pity left for you no
Mercy to be had at my hand

Say goodnight
And goodbye
To that breath you’re holding

And let the old world die!

There’s no escape from the storm
There’s no place for us among humanity
Don’t you know?
The only respect you get is from terror

Pave the way
For a new regime without humanity
You will pay
For the sacrifice he made in our name!

Tell me how you plan
to make a case for all you’ve
Done to inhibit revolution?
Does it reach your soul, X? How you’re
betraying and killing your own kind!?

I’ve had enough of these games
Give me your best shot at treason with the
Pieces falling right into place

Say goodnight
And goodbye
To that breath you’re holding

You’ve reached the end of the line

Please stand down
I don’t want to hurt you for humanity
Duty bound
Even if I have to suffer the thunder

Save some face
Your gentle facade’s not fooling anyone!
What a waste
If only you’d
Stood with us from the start

How can you
condone these killings?
How could you forget your heart

No mistake
There’s no maverick virus In my veins
You’re deranged
To think revolution is a contagion

Those who’ve died
Had no chance to plea to us for life
Which is why
Sigma’s fighting for the good of our kind

You won’t stop until you fall
Why I have to win this fight
For all mankind

Take your aim
If I’m just a Maverick
Then you’ll murder me
All the same
Will my fight for freedom somehow succeed me?

Why do you think talking will solve anything?
Why the wait?
I know we’ve already made up our minds!

You don’t
Have to fight this
War for Sigma
Sick or not
Don’t make me do this

Even now you’re struggling
in vain to justify
all sins you have committed
Do you think it’s easy?
Standing and watching the light leaving their eyes?

Justification aside,
This is no place for your sympathy
This room will become one of our graves

Go on, you murderous man
I am awaiting your mercy in my final breath!

Justification aside
This is no place
I have to what’s right

With a murderous man
I can’t afford mercy if it means more death!

So/say goodbye
To that gun you’re/I’m holding
On which morality dies!


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