2020 Hyundai Ioniq 70-mph Highway range test

Описание к видео 2020 Hyundai Ioniq 70-mph Highway range test

We fully charge a 2020 Hyundai Ioniq Electric and drive it at a constant 70-mph (113 km/hr) to see how far it will go on our EV highway range test.

Important test notes:
Tires set before the drive at the recommended 36 psi
Temperature: 71 F (22 C) degrees at start - 79 (26 C) degrees F at the end.
Wind: Mild, 4-6 mph crosswind.
Driving Mode: Normal

Results: 171 miles (275 km) (EPA range rating is 170 miles)
Efficiency: 4.5 mi/kWh - 13.78 kWh/100 km


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