3D buildings data of the Spanish Cadastre and their adaptation to INSPIRE Building Specifications

Описание к видео 3D buildings data of the Spanish Cadastre and their adaptation to INSPIRE Building Specifications

The biggest and most complete database of buildings in Spain is the one of the Directorate General for cadastre that contains data of 12 millions of constructions and 32 millions of urban units.

The buildings description includes physical, legal and economic characteristics, location, graphical representation, cadastral reference, address, surface, uses, time atributes, cadastral value and data of title holders (name, national identity number, address, type of title) and many other data as photography, urbanistical characteristics, material of construction, conservation status, etc...

The Spanish Cadastral cartography, even in only 2D, has the volumetric information of every part of the building by number of plants in roman numerals in its maps.

The Spanish Cadastre is principally a fiscal cadastre, whose databases of cadastral values of rural and urban real estate are the basis for the calculation of real estate tax and other local, regional and national taxes. For this reason the cadastre can not have only information about the external topographic representation of the building, it needs more information. Therefore Spanish Cadastre also registers the information inside the buildings: the distribution of each property, the common areas etc...

Most of the buildings in the Spanish Cadastral data base have associated as documental information scaled graphic representation of their units forming the building. In these documents the different floors and interior spaces are represented. They contain a digital photo of the building too and they are storage in the data base parcel by parcel.
The collaborative organizations that work with the cadastre to update daily the cadastral data base, as municipalities, notaries, regional administrations, surveyors, can also give these information of every building because an exchange format for these data has been implemented too:

With all these information the Spanish Cadastre has developed 3D models of buildings in two possible ways,
based on the geometry of the premises (generating independent units models with the vector information of the cadastral sketch by plants)
or based on the 3D component of the constructions that it is collected as attribute of the sub parcels (by modeling by extrusion on the basis of cadastral mapping and the attribute of construction geometry to get the "z" component)
The resulting KML has a link with the cadastral reference to get all the cadastral data of the parcel http://catastro.meh.es, totally free of charge, 12 h a day, 7 days a week.
We have included too the time parameter and we offer an exchange format in KML for the collaborative institution and also with historical information.

This modelling is not stored in the database; it is performed in "real time" on the basis of the vector information of the geometry of objects.
All this approach for Modelling 3D automatically based on simple schemes that allows to reconstruct a large amount of data, offers a good solution to the demand for such products, increasingly requested by users.

The Spanish Cadastre has participated in the Inspire Thematic working group of Buildings. Also It has tested the building specification.
In this presentation the Spanish Cadastre wants to show how it is possible to map its building information to the INSPIRE building core model.
But also wants to show the difficulty to incorporate to the complex extended INSPIRE Building model all the information registered in the cadastre and specially the information that permits now to build the 3D cadastre.

At least but not less, we want to analyse the huge actual use of Spanish cadastral building data in many and diverse issues and to study the pros and contras of the INSPIRE building data model for these users.

by A. Velasco, J.M. Olivares and L.Virgós..
Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre. Spain.


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