Party leader Hu Jintao steps down to clear way for new leader in China

Описание к видео Party leader Hu Jintao steps down to clear way for new leader in China

(14 Nov 2012)
1. Wide of closing ceremony of 18th Party Congress
2. Mid of Chinese President and Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao and former General Secretary Jiang Zeming on stage
3. Mid of Xi Jinping, expected next party leader and current Chinese Vice President
4. Tilt down from ceiling to meeting
5. Wide of delegates raising hands to vote for passage of report on party affairs
6. Mid of delegates raising hands
7. Wide of Hu announcing the report is passed, applause
8. Mid of delegates at ceremony
9. Wide of Hu giving speech
10. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Hu Jintao, General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party:
"All the important policies and arrangements, and various great achievements out of the 18th Party Congress will surely play a critical role in pushing forward the great course of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great development of the Party. It has a important impact on our current work, and profound influence for the work in the future."
11. Wide of attendees standing for anthem of Communist Party
12. Medium of Hu and Jiang during anthem, shot pans to Xi
13. Close-up of emblem
14. Wide of Hu announcing closing of meeting
15. Wide of delegates applauding
16. Tracking shot of Hu shaking hands with delegates
17. Wide of Tiananmen Square
18. Wide exterior of Great Hall of the People (GHOP)
19. Mid of security in front of GHOP
20. Wide of Chinese flags on top of GHOP
21. Close-up of security
22. Mid of flags
23. Close-up of security
24. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Zhang Zhijun, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister:
"China is in a stage of social transition, it is inevitable that some problems will arise, however, these problems need to be addressed by the Party and the government, because if they are not addressed - especially corruption - and are not corrected timely, they will weaken the trust people have in the Party and our nation."
25. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) A Mei, Tibetan delegate:
"Tibet is very stable, I come from the grassroots, and I can tell you that Tibetans are very happy, very stable."
(Reporter asks: "Have you heard of the self immolations?")
"I don't know about that, I can tell you we are very happy."
26. Wide of delegates leaving Great Hall of the People in buses
Chinese President Hu Jintao formally stepped aside as Communist Party leader on Wednesday, to clear the way for Vice President Xi Jinping to take the helm as China's next leader.
Delegates at a pivotal party congress said that Hu was not re-elected as a member of the party's Central Committee on the final day of the gathering in Beijing.
Xi was re-elected along with other leading candidates for seats on the party's all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee.
Designated as successor five years ago, Xi is expected to take over as party general secretary from Hu on Thursday and as president next spring, in China's second orderly transfer of power.
Li Keqiang also is due to take over from Wen Jiabao as premier.
The new leaders face an economic slowdown and rising unrest among citizens.
The party's 2,200-plus delegates gathered at Beijing's Great Hall of the People also rubber-stamped the report Hu delivered to the gathering last week committing the party to continuing a pro-economic growth agenda while retaining firm political control.
Hu urged stronger measures to rein in corruption and make the government more responsive to public demands, but offered little in the way of specifics.
A report of the party's disciplinary body also was approved.
The scandals have weakened Hu, on whose watch they occurred.

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