Egg to First Flight- A journey of Pigeon | 50 day timelapse Pigeon Egg Hatching | Glimpse of Nature

Описание к видео Egg to First Flight- A journey of Pigeon | 50 day timelapse Pigeon Egg Hatching | Glimpse of Nature

#EggtoFirstFlight #PigeonBreeding #timelapse #EggHatching #GlimpseofNature #firstflight #flightofpigeonchicks

This is a timelapse vidoe of 50 + days of pigeon laying egg, hatching and then upto first flight of baby pigeon chicks known as a Squabs.
It take lots of time and patience to shoot for 50 day and the big task is to shorten it upto 10 minutes.
Please watch till end.
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"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our future generations.


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