10 Discoveries IN YOUR OWN YARD

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10 Discoveries IN YOUR OWN YARD

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10 Discoveries IN YOUR OWN YARD
We often think of our own homes to be a place where nothing can surprise us. That was also probably
what these guys on this list are thinking, but then they made discoveries that totally changed their
minds. Today, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most amazing things people discovered in their own
yards. Number one is even an important historical find so better make sure you watch till the end to find
out what it is.

Number 10. A Rare Fossil
If you own a dog like I do, it’s pretty normal to find a few buried bones in your yard, probably next to
your flip flops that mysteriously disappeared a couple of months ago. But, no matter how big your dog
is, it’s not probably him that buried this find.
In 1978, Gary Johnson uncovered a whale fossil in his family’s backyard. He immediately contacted a
museum, but the museum guys had no idea how to move the huge thing. So, Gary’s find lay forgotten
until 2014, when after another whale fossil was discovered nearby. It was excavated by the National
History Museum and that was when Johnson told them about the one he had in his yard. They were
interested, and they made plans to retrieve his fossil.
It took the combined efforts of the museum stall and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office to unearth
the massive find. They hoisted the fossil and the rock it was lodged in, which weighed in excess of 1,000
pounds, from the backyard ravine using pulleys and a steel trolley. They sent the bone to the museum to
be placed in a research collection. The fossil is 16 to 17 million years old, and it is extremely rare.
Including this find, there are only about 20 baleen whale fossils in the world.

Number 9. A Nazi Soldier’s Secret Stash
Russian man Lukichev Dmitry was digging a cesspool for the outdoor toilet while at his summer cottage
in Besh-Kungel. Earlier that day, all he wanted to do was finish up some actual chores, little did he know
that he was about to discover something truly historic and deeply shrouded in mystery.
Just a few minutes after he started his dig, his shovel hit something that was metallic. He continued
digging and after a while, he unearthed a mysterious metallic box. It took a while for him to completely
unearth it and although it looked quite heavy, he was surprised to find out it was lighter than it looked.
Puzzled about his find, he decided to open it, and the box’s contents, which apparently haven’t seen the
light of day in decades, were finally revealed.
Inside the box were various personal paraphernalia of a German WWII soldier, all of which were
perfectly preserved. There was a soldier’s jacket near the bottom of the box, as well as newspaper
clippings and other personal effects, even an unopened box of cigars and 2 unopened bottles of rum.
The contents of the box definitely gave us an idea of what kind of person owned them, but a greater
mystery remains; the name of the soldier and the reason why he buried his things in the first place.

Number 8. The Saddle Ridge Treasure
A couple named John and Mary were walking their dog in their backyard back in 2013 when they came
across the top of a dilapidated canister sticking out from the ground. Curious as to what it is, or more
probably what’s inside, the two decided to dig it up and open it. What they found were small circular
discs that would change their lives forever.
They gave the discs a quick clean and discovered that they were $20 gold coins from the 1890s. The two
of them hurried back to the place where the found the canister, thinking that they would find more, and
find more they sure did. They found seven more cans and all in all, they had discovered over 1,000 coins.
The couple reburied the coins to hide them, which was weird since they could have just kept them inside
the house, and contacted coin dealer Don Kagin to inspect the coins.
It took Kagin several months to restore the coins. While doing so he realized that the couple stumbled
upon an amazing find. They had discovered 1,427 coins that were minted between 1847 and 1894. They
had a face value of $27,980, but Kagin knew that they were definitely worth quite a bit more. Some of
the coins were extremely rare: A dozen of them are among the best surviving examples of their kind.
The entire find was later valued at $11 million.


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