Македонская фаланга - структура и организация

Описание к видео Македонская фаланга - структура и организация

Описание структуры македонской фаланги во времена Александра, основанное на более поздних работах Асклепиодота и Элиана.

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Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4 International License.
* Title: Drums of Fury
* Composer: Alexander Hoff
* Youtube Channel: https://goo.gl/9AGRKd

I don't monetize this video. If you are a copyright holder of the original video and you want me to delete this translation, please, contact me via email - notascicero@gmail.
Описание из оригинального видео:
A description of the macedonian phalanx structure during the Alexander and Diadochi age, based on later written Asclepiodotos and Aelian infantry manuals.

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Source http://lukeuedasarson.com/GranicusNot...
Credits : music - modified version of
* Title: Drums of Fury
* Composer: Alexander Hoff
* Youtube Channel: https://goo.gl/9AGRKd


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