猫を5匹保護して64日。母猫こっちっちと生後64日子猫たち。先住猫と仲良くするためにがんばるママ。It has been 64 days since I rescued 5 cats.

Описание к видео 猫を5匹保護して64日。母猫こっちっちと生後64日子猫たち。先住猫と仲良くするためにがんばるママ。It has been 64 days since I rescued 5 cats.

When we met for the first time in the house, the mama cat was extremely threatening towards the native cat in order to protect her kittens. At first, Mama Cat tried to chase Lulu, so I stopped Mama Cat. At that time, I was bitten and caught, resulting in a bloody injury that left a scar. That was the moment I realized I was too injured. If I didn't stop it, Lulu would have been attacked. Since then, she has become a different cat and is trying her best to get along with him, which brings tears to my eyes.


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