Hearthstone: Malfurion the Pestilent card sounds in 14 languages -Knights of the Frozen Throne -Hero

Описание к видео Hearthstone: Malfurion the Pestilent card sounds in 14 languages -Knights of the Frozen Throne -Hero

All of the legendary Death knight hero "Malfurion the Pestilent" card dialogue/sounds from Hearthstone, in 14 different languages.

The circle of life is over (Play)
The Scourge will infest all (Play)
Blight and rot (Attack)
The cycle of decay begins (Greetings)
The web unravels (Oops)
My thanks to you (Thanks)
You will wither and rot (Threaten)
Masterful (Well Played)
Staggering! (Wow)
I'm almost out of cards (Low cards)
I'm out of cards (Fatigue)
Mhh... (Thinking)
A tangled web (Thinking)
My thoughts are plagued (Thinking)
Death is eternal, my turn is not! (Out of Time)
There must always be... (Victory vs. Lich King)
A lich king (Victory vs. Lich King)
You win. I can rest now (Concede)

All Kobolds & Catacombs cards playlist: https://goo.gl/WqADT4
All Knights of the Frozen Throne cards playlist: https://goo.gl/YCN9Hv
All Journey to Un'Goro cards playlist: https://goo.gl/UXvh5M
All Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards playlist: https://goo.gl/swzR6K
All One Night in Karazhan cards playlist: https://goo.gl/6RiAdQ
All Whispers of the Old Gods cards playlist: https://goo.gl/OZNgAv
All Legendary cards playlist: https://goo.gl/HRs4ny
All Hearthstone cards playlist (Naxx, GvG, TGT, etc.): https://goo.gl/FeAmu5

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The different languages are: English, German, Spanish, Latin American Spanish (Mexican Spanish), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Chinese and Taiwanese (Standard Mandarin).

Malfurion der Befallene /deDE
Malfurion the Pestilent /enUS
Malfurion el Pestilente /esES
Malfurion el Pestilente /esMX
Malfurion le Putride /frFR
Malfurion l'Infetto /itIT
魔蝕の病霜マルフュリオン /jaJP
역병의 드루이드 말퓨리온 /koKR
Malfurion, Zaraza Wcielona /plPL
Malfurion, o Pestilento /ptBR
Малфурион Пагубный /ruRU
มัลฟิวเรียน ผู้ผลาญชีวิต /thTH
污染者玛法里奥 /zhCN
『疫病蟲王』瑪法里恩 /zhTW

Disclaimer #1: The text at the bottom of the video is NOT a translation, it is simply stating what the English language said for reference. If you know any of the 14 languages and you feel that you can contribute a good translation of what was said, then please feel free to put the translation in the comments.

Disclaimer #2: There is no such language as "Chinese" or "Taiwanese", but Blizzard indicates the language as "zhCN" which is "Mandarin spoken in China", and "zhTW" which is "Mandarin spoken in Taiwan", so please take note of that.


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