Iceberg: a fast table format for S3

Описание к видео Iceberg: a fast table format for S3

Netflix’s Big Data Platform team manages data warehouse in Amazon S3 with over 60 petabytes of data and writes hundreds of terabytes of data every day. With a data warehouse at this scale, it is a constant challenge to keep improving performance. This talk will focus on Iceberg, a new table metadata format that is designed for managing huge tables backed by S3 storage. Iceberg decreases job planning time from minutes to under a second, while also isolating reads from writes to guarantee jobs always use consistent table snapshots.

In this session, you'll learn:
• Some background about big data at Netflix
• Why Iceberg is needed and the drawbacks of the current tables used by Spark and Hive
• How Iceberg maintains table metadata to make queries fast and reliable
• The benefits of Iceberg's design and how it is changing the way Netflix manages its data warehouse
• How you can get started using Iceberg


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