Unboxing Potting & Care For Giant Variegated Philodendron || Philodendron giganteum variegata

Описание к видео Unboxing Potting & Care For Giant Variegated Philodendron || Philodendron giganteum variegata

Here is a plant I have wanted for nearly a decade, Philodendron giganteum variegata, or giant philodendron / giant variegated philodendron. I had a regular philodendron giganteum growing up and have since wanted another, plus one of these beautiful variegated versions. In this video I do the plant unboxing, talk about how to plant or how to pot philodedron gigateum, or how I am doing it anyway, and the reasons behind it. I also briefly cover how to grow philodedron giganteum, but it isn't very complex, basically traditional philodendron care. I talk about propagating philodendron giganteum, which again, pretty basic for a philodendron and how to propagate philodendron. Overall, these are pretty simple houseplants if potted and situated properly. The only thing care wise that may be a little different is adjusting the lighting as to not scorch the foliage, but still maintain variegation. After the plant care and potting, I did talk briefly about the rare plant trends and plant scams/dishonestly with selling plants these days. This was sold as a plant established in a 6 inch pot, clearly that was not the case, this is a rooted cutting. I have spoken about the rare plants and plant trends before, that video should be linked above or below this description. Overall I think there is a place for it, like with what Kaylee Ellen does on her channel with her plants and rare plant index videos, bringing to light plants that otherwise we wouldn't know about is a great thing. However there are companies and influencers who take advantage of people and manipulate consumers into thinking they "need" a plant for reasons of status, that it is a problem, and then of course the deceptive behaviors and price gauging, no good.


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