Fearless Relating Intensive with Monique Darling and Reid Mihalko

Описание к видео Fearless Relating Intensive with Monique Darling and Reid Mihalko

Monique: Hi Reid.

Reid: Hi Monique. This is Monique Darling of http://www.JuicyEnlightenment.com/

Monique: And also, http://WhereInTheWorldIsMoniqueDarlin...

Reid: Where in the World is Monique Darling. That is the question I ask myself every day. My name is Reid Mihalko of http://www.ReidAboutSex.com R-E-I-D aboutsex.com and we are here today to warn you, to alert you.

Monique: We’re coming to your town.

Reid: We’re coming to your town and we’re going to be teaching a bunch of different workshops over the course of a 4, 5 day period usually with the climax, no pun intended, of our sex and intimacy and relating workshops being our fearless relating weekend which was the brainchild of this amazing human being right here. So tell, tell our listeners a little bit about the weekend and why they might want to come to it.

Monique: The whole weekends about learning how to relate fearlessly. First, you begin with yourself and then with your partner or partners and then within sexuality. And so you get to take away all the pressure and all the “oh no, what if I get it wrong” and you get just to go back to that playful fun. It’s fearless to be able to start asking and to pull when it’s all about play and when nothing could be wrong.

Reid: Yeah. And working backwards, we will end with the day talking about sex and sexuality and how to build sexual self-confidence and how to use your words and how to use your brain to figure out where and how to explore pleasure and eroticism and sensuality.

Monique: With lots of humor, lots of play.

Reid: Yeah, I’m pretty much a dork and we’ll keep it fun and light. And this is a little bit of a course that I have online called Sex10x which is all about building your self-confidence 10 fold around sexuality. So we’ll end the weekend with that exploration but moving backwards on the second day.

Monique: Then it’s all about fearlessly relating to others and so that could be your family members, it could be the person that or people that you love or your beloveds in your life, it could be your kids, it could be your co-workers and your boss. So we’re teaching you how to have a difficult conversations, how to really envision what’s the life that you want to be leading if you could really fearlessly, you know, if you could wave a magic wand, then we’re going to help each of you figure out what that life will look like and we’ll give you the tools to do it.

Reid: And on day one, we start with a course. None of these works if you can’t have a relationship with yourself. So the ability to fear less, and explore and adventure and be curious more begins with you. And what do we cover on that day?

Monique: And being about to look at yourself in the mirror and really be vulnerable and see like what’s behind the stories that you tell yourself. And really dive into those stories and be able to see yourself fearlessly.

Reid: So for me as a sex and relationship geek, day one is a lot of fun because we’ll get to break down some misconceptions that you have about yourself and understand that all of us think we’re broken and that we’re the only ones…

Monique: and none of us are

Reid: Yeah, that we’re the only ones in the world like this and so working together and geeking out on communication and relationship techniques with yourself. We’ll set the tab low, for the entire weekend when we’re get to play and dive deep and have a lot of fun. Then usually, that’s the weekend so usually come in a day or 2 before and teach a couple of other workshops so that people can meet us, get a sense of who we are and then figure out if they want to be a part of the weekend if we have tickets left still.

Monique: Yeah, and you can just get bonus evenings and Reid and I have so much fun teaching and playing together and we will just invite you along for the adventures. So it’s kind of like choose your own adventure, we co-create and every evening is a different journey.

Reid: And we will accept those evenings so depending on what city are we going to be at. Those like Wednesdays and Thursdays might be different workshop but we’re all leading in to and diving in deep for the fearless relating. So if you are curious about the fearless relating weekends, where’s the best place that they can go to learn more about what cities we’re bringing this to?

Monique: We’ll, it’s on my website, http://www.JuicyEnlightenment.com/ and there’s a page for each city and it’s also on your website

Reid: Yeah, http://www.ReidAboutSex.com/calendar we’ll let you see where I am going to be at and I also recommend even if Monique Darling is in your town and I’m not there at all. Please go check out our workshops. Join her Facebook groups, she’s an amazing wrangler of awesome people and community and perhaps, you are somebody that needs to be wrangled into weekends with us or even just knowing Monique individually.


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