Songs of Conquest - Barya VS Deadly AI - Mass Artificers

Описание к видео Songs of Conquest - Barya VS Deadly AI - Mass Artificers

(Status - Still Viable In Current Patch)

After practicing and getting some suggestions from Pavel R, I try Barya again but now with a double workshop rush on this 1v1 RMG: Quad template.

On a small map like this, it is vital to have a considerable amount of Artificers before engaging in a battle against the deadly AI. If you don't have enough, you won't survive long enough for the spells to kill all the enemy units.

In order to achieve this, we are skipping the market and going 2 Workshops and then a Foundry to upgrade +1 Chaos Essence for Artificers.

As for Everthink skills, go Destruction 3 and then Chaos 3 with 6-7 command points. (In small maps like this, you should do this before getting Channeling, especially if you plan to use Apocalypse.) As for the bread and butter spells, you need 6 command points of pure Artificers to cast 1 Fireball and 1 Chain Lightning every combat turn.

Around round 7-8, instead of breaking to the middle for the expansion, go for the expansion inside your base instead. You build a market there in case you are missing some resources to upgrade workshop or build Foundry. After getting the expansion and hire the third wielder, move back to the main base to get as many Artificers as possible. You can sell all resources for an all-in push.

If this is done correctly, you can be on the offense against the this strongest AI and your victory should be gauranteed!

0:00 - Introduction
2:40 - R1 - Effective build to beat the deadly AI
4:07 - R1 - Why we should expand inside against deadly AI
5:23 - R1 - Movement planning
40:07 - R7 - Break into expansion zone
50:51 - R9 - Expansion guard fight
1:02:47 - R10 - Reinforcement & Upgrade to Artificers
1:07:37 - R11 - Break into middle zone
1:14:19 - R12 - First wielder fight against Bihgli
1:34:25 - R14 - Second fight against Bihgli
1:41:22 - R15 - Third wielder fight against Everthink


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