WJSN Seola, why it took 10 years for the visual queen of 'Queendom 2' to debut

Описание к видео WJSN Seola, why it took 10 years for the visual queen of 'Queendom 2' to debut

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오늘 아이돌 8분 동화의 주인공은 우주소녀의 맏언니 설아입니다!
Today's episode of '8 min Idol Tale' is about Seola, the oldest member of WJSN!

‘Last Sequence’ 로 컴백한 퀸덤2의 퀸! 우주소녀!
WJSN, the queen of 'Queendom 2', made a comeback with 'Last Sequence'!

그 중 공식 비주얼라인 설아의 데뷔 스토리!
Here is the story of how Seola, a member of WJSN's official visual line, debuted!

연습생만 10년을 하게 된 이유부터
From why she ended up training for 10 years

비주얼에 가려진 우주소녀 설아의 실력과 매력까지
to Seola's skills and charms hidden behind her visual,

함께 알아볼까요?
let's learn everything there is to know about Seola's story!

#우주소녀 #WJSN #설아

** '덕심이 빛나는 밤에' 참여 안내
** How to participate in 'FAN-tastic Night'

여러분이 아이돌을 덕질하며 재미있었던 순간,
If you ever had any hilarious moments while stanning an idol,

행복했던 순간, 내 아이돌에게 감동받고 힘을 얻었던 순간 등
or any moments when you were happy or touched by an idol,

덕질과 관련된 여러가지 사연들을 아래 링크를 통해 보내주세요.
or any other fun experiences as a fan, go to the link below and tell us in your stories.

여러분의 사연들을 모아 라디오처럼 소개해 드리겠습니다.
We will introduce your stories on our channel like a radio show.

사연 보내는 곳 : https://bit.ly/3aFCnel
Link to submit your story : https://bit.ly/3x5xHFU

💖 두유람에서 또 보고 싶은 아이돌이나 Kpop 소식이 있으면
[email protected] 으로 메일 보내주세요!
If there is any idol or any Kpop news you want to know more about,
email us at [email protected]!

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