Jam Pedals Rattler | The Legend of the LM308

Описание к видео Jam Pedals Rattler | The Legend of the LM308

Demo of the Jam Pedals Rattler Distortion

0:00-0:48: Intro with SG Junior
0:49-1:45: Gain Control with SG Junior
1:46-3:13: Tone Control with Revstar

"Its asymmetrical clipping circuit, carbon comp resistors and of course the legendary LM308 chip, the featured star of this design, are the main ingredients of a great recipe resulting in the Rattler shining through any rig, whether modern or vintage."


Gear used:
Gibson SG Junior: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Pyj9B6
Yamaha Revstar RSS20: sweetwater.sjv.io/anRmPj
Boss BIC10 Instrument cables: https://imp.i114863.net/mgKR97
Fender Princeton 65 Reissue: https://imp.i114863.net/ORDBVZ
Shure SM57: imp.i114863.net/gbnPMg
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2: https://imp.i114863.net/4e75O0


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