TING-LU'S ENDLESS REVIVALS! Pokémon Draft League | PPL Week 7

Описание к видео TING-LU'S ENDLESS REVIVALS! Pokémon Draft League | PPL Week 7

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   / @theuzigunner  

After ending the undefeated streak and claiming our number one position in the rankings, we now go one on one against the endless BBR champion, who also happens to be making our dapper gfx, Greyvee of the Vancouver Titangs! Unfortunately, they seem to be infested by a powerful evil. Can we save him and the world from his chaotic taste in nicknames? FIND OUT NOW!

Opponent: ‪@GreyveeeDL‬

All coaches:

CBAD:    / @cbad  
JRicky:    / @jricky8  
OnesieBanette:    / @onesiebanette  
Drewby:    / @drewby39  
IronBoffin:    / @ironboffin  
QtheCostaRican:    / @qthecostarican  
Elly:    / @ellysux  
Darya:    / @darya.minnemeows  
Greyvee:    / @greyveeedl  
JustWeavile:    / @justweavile  
Mathew Drafts:    / @mathewdrafts  
Mefesto:    / @donmefesto  
Mountaih:    / @mountaih  
Necrostevo:    / @necrostevo  
Nexus:    / @numbnexus  
PokeaimMD:    / @pokeaimmd  
Shroomraver:    / @shroomraver  
TheDonphanatic:    / @thedonphanatic  
TheUziGunner:    / @theuzigunner  
Vepsis:    / @vepsis  


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