Beating 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Much with ONLY INFANTRY! (Impossible Challenge?)

Описание к видео Beating 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Much with ONLY INFANTRY! (Impossible Challenge?)

🚨 INFANTRY ONLY CHALLENGE! 🚨 Can we beat 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Much using only infantry units? 💪 This retro-style RTS game is tough enough with a balanced army, but we're taking it to the next level by attempting the impossible!

Join us as we dive deep into the 8-bit trenches and command an army of pixelated soldiers to victory. We'll explore unique strategies, unconventional tactics, and sheer determination to overcome the odds. 💥

Watch as we push the limits of what's possible in 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Much and prove that sometimes, all you need is a well-coordinated infantry assault to win the day! 🏆

#9BitArmies #InfantryOnlyChallenge #ImpossibleChallenge #8BitRTS #RetroGaming PC SPECS
GPU 3060 MSI -
CPU i7-14700KF -
RAM Kingston FURY Beast 16GB -
CPU Cooler Corsair iCUE H150i Elite -
850W PS CORSAIR RM Series (2021) -


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