Bioshock Infinite: All Collectibles Locations - Part 3 (Voxophones, Sightseers, Infusions) -HTG

Описание к видео Bioshock Infinite: All Collectibles Locations - Part 3 (Voxophones, Sightseers, Infusions) -HTG

Part 3 - Monument Island Gateway

(HTG)Jeremy shows you how to get all the collectibles (Voxophones, Telescopes, Kinetoscopes, & Infusion upgrades) for Bioshock Infinite. There are 80 Voxophones, 37 Kinetoscopes and Telescopes, and 22 infusion upgrades. When you collect all of the collectibles you will earn 3 trophies(listed below) for Bioshock Infinite. Follow along to get all the collectibles (Voxophones, Telescopes, Kinetoscopes, & Infusion upgrades) for Bioshock Infinite.

Fast Forward Time line:
#1 - Sightseer - 0:18
#2 - Sightseer - 0:30
#3 - Infusion Upgrade - 1:00
#4 - Voxophone - 1:20

Trophies Earned:
Trophy: Eavesdropper (Silver/50G) - Collected every Voxophone.
Trophy: Sightseer (Bronze/50G) -Used all telescopes and Kinetoscopes in the game.
Trophy: Infused with Greatness (Bronze/25G) - Collected every Infusion upgrade in a single game.

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