Q-Sys Plugin Development Part 2: Audio and the Code Pin

Описание к видео Q-Sys Plugin Development Part 2: Audio and the Code Pin

In the continuation of the series on developing plugins for Q-Sys, I will show you how to add components into the plugin and wire them up to allow for audio processing. Additionally, I will quickly introduce the code pin, a feature that allows for on-the-fly development of runtime code in your plugin, without needing to restart your design every time a change is made.

My plugin template: https://github.com/KMcNickel/Q-Sys-Pl...
Q-Sys Lua Component documentation: https://q-syshelp.qsc.com/Content/Con...
Q-Sys SDK: https://q-syshelp.qsc.com/DeveloperHelp/
Q-Sys Communities for Developers: https://developers.qsc.com/


Информация по комментариям в разработке