Google C++ Testing, GTest, GMock Framework Part- 1 : Introduction

Описание к видео Google C++ Testing, GTest, GMock Framework Part- 1 : Introduction

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Welcome to the video series on google test framework c++ gtest and c++ gmock. gtest and gmock are by far the best and widely used unit testing framework for c++ programming language.

In the world of software development, unit testing is an extremely important activity to write bug free code.

In this video, i talked about writing unit test code using gtest and gmock framework. The benefit of using google test is

1. Google Test is based on xUnit Architecture
2. Portable and works on Linux, Mac and Windows

The video also details about the type of assertion being made available as part of Google Test which are

1. Assertion for Success Scenarios
2. Assertion to generate Non Fatal Failures
3. Assertions to generate Fatal Failures

Hope it helps you in learning something new.. enjoy!

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