The eeePC... Wii Remote... thing?

Описание к видео The eeePC... Wii Remote... thing?

The eee stick is an obscure piece of hardware made by ASUS as a Wii competitor... with their eeePC brand?
It is impossible to find ANY user reviews about it on the internet. It's like it never existed. UNTIL TODAY.

Thanks to ‪@t3dotgg‬ for helping me with the painful setup of a properly hardware accelerated Windows XP VM

Btw you can now find an rchived copy of the eee stick driver DVD on the internet archive, in case someone needs it or you just want to check out the contents of the disc!

I am going to upload some footage of Mr. Bubble here soon:
   • Mr. Bubble (PC) - Gameplay  
I realized after shooting and editing that I didn't mention at all how the "motion features" are used in that game AT ALL, but, well... There is a reason for that.

They just bound the "shaking" of the remote to one keyboard key.
You can play the entire game without the remote and it's a better experience.
It still sucks, but that tells you how much of an afterthought the remote was when designing that game.

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Outro: Bee Line (YM2151 Cover) - John Tay

Music Credits:
[gonna flesh them out soon putting every track here, but for now here are the OSTs featured in the vid]:
Wii Sports OST
Wii Play OST
Everybody Votes Channel OST
Enthusia OST
Auto Modellista OST
PS2 Kaido Racer OST
Plok OST
Super Mario World OST
Doom 3DO OST


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