Tomb Raider CAC 2021 - Rome Wasn't built in a day : Part 1 Walkthrough

Описание к видео Tomb Raider CAC 2021 - Rome Wasn't built in a day : Part 1 Walkthrough

TRLE Create A Classic 2021 (TR25) - Rome Wasn't built in a day : Part 1 Walkthrough

Level By : AgentXP

Lara has just successfully claimed a piece of the fabled Atlantean Scion in Greece. As she leaves the Tomb of Tihocan, Lara finds a note from rival adventurer Pierre Dupont, who has just escaped, leaving her to deal with the Atlantean tomb guards.
Bien joue Miss Croft! Enjoy your prize of the Scion piece. Perhaps we shall meet again? If you would like another little adventure, meet me in Rome, outside Bartoli's Pizzeria, at 7pm, 12 days from now. Au revoir! Pierre
And so, Lara finds herself in Rome, ready to embark on yet another adventure...

Remember the community comptition back in 2019? Right , it's back. Create A Classic 2021, A.K.A CAC 2021 (tr25) now brings more good levels to you. Let's celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tomb Raider!

The main reason for why I picked evening dress for this walkthrough is that she looks 100% like Ada Wong in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Lara was so sexy and beautiful in that suit. It reminded me of the good memories much. Okay, lovely evening in Rome. Gold Rose hunting and the meet of Pierre? It's probably the most detailed city deisgn ever I've seen. Thankfully Agentxp has provided with a high quality map just in case players get lost. Another excellent level from her 😍😉

Seeking List :

Level 1 - When in Rome 0:00
1:12 Hotel Room Key
2:28 Landlords Keys
3:08 Secret #1 - Gold Rose (3:00 switch)
6:17 Secret #2 - Gold Rose
8:58 Storeroom Key
9:23 Secret #3 - Gold Rose
9:54 LaserSight
13:17 Secret #4 - Gold Rose (12:54 Switch)
15:08 Secret #5 - Gold Rose
16:24 Revolver
17:25 Secret #6 - Gold Rose
18:32 Secret #7 - Gold Rose (17:37 Switch)
21:32 Library Access Card
24:39 Secret #8 - Gold Rose
25:33 Notebook with clues & Camera
27:58 Secret #9 - Gold Rose (5 books used)
29:42 Photo Clue : Three Palm Trees
30:30 Secret #10 - Gold Rose
30:47 Small Waterskin
31:52 Secret #11 - Gold Rose
33:53 Trident
34:58 Rusty Gate Key
35:18 Photo Clue : Two Fish
36:01 Coin
40:31 Bartoli's Magarita Pizza
42:51 Secret #12 - Gold Rose
43:13 Photo Clue : Six Statues
45:30 Secret #13 - Gold Rose
46:13 Water Deactivation Fuse
50:14 Photo Clue : Three Topiary Stars
51:25 Secret #14 - Gold Rose
52:44 House Key
55:12 Secret #15 - Gold Rose (53:18 Switch)
55:36 Secret #16 - Gold Rose
56:28 Secret #17 - Gold Rose
58:58 Secret #18 - Gold Rose
1:00:09 Shotgun
1:02:06 Secret #19 - Gold Rose
1:02:41 Crane Battery
1:03:57 Secret #20 - Gold Rose & Grenade Gun

Event Page:

Time to find out what exactly Pierre asked for Lara to do!

#TRLE #TombRaider #CAC2021 #Rome #Italy #Pierre


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