Kia Venga Front suspension spring replacement. 2010. CDTI

Описание к видео Kia Venga Front suspension spring replacement. 2010. CDTI

1, Dont work on a car with it just on the jack.
2, Wear safety glasses when compressing the spring and always face it way from your head.
This was a quick job, the misses said her car wasn't right and when I looked at it I could see it was lower on the front right. I then put the steering on full lock each way and had a look under the arch. I could see the spring was broken but also the sharp end of the spring had fallen of the spring platform and was near to the back of the tyre.
You will need a spring compressor, and if you haven't got one then don't bother. However if you think about it, this job would have taken about 3 hours in a garage so its worth you buying a spring compressor and doing it yourself. The spring was only £34.99 which was £10 more than it should have been due to the quick delivery.


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