የጠፋሁበት ምክንያትና አዲሷ ቤተሰባችን / ጉልቻ ፓድካስት/ Gulicha Podcast

Описание к видео የጠፋሁበት ምክንያትና አዲሷ ቤተሰባችን / ጉልቻ ፓድካስት/ Gulicha Podcast

የጠፋሁበት ምክንያትና አዲሷ ቤተሰባችን / ጉልቻ ፓድካስት/ Gulicha Podcast

On this new year special episode, I have explained the reason why i was not active on all social media platforms for the past 8 month. Dear Gulicha Podcast’s family I apologize for not letting you know. Tizita will be a part of Gulicha Podcast as a cohost. Please welcome her by showing your love and support. Thank You!

ምርትና አገልግሎቶን ለማስተዋወቅ: +251915454647



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