Boost Your Bone Health in Midlife With Rebekah Rotstein

Описание к видео Boost Your Bone Health in Midlife With Rebekah Rotstein

Isn't it crazy how the conversation around how to boost your bone health suddenly becomes top priority in midlife? In this episode, Rebekah Rotstein helps us tackle the common worries many of us have after a bone density or DEXA scan, especially when faced with diagnoses like osteoporosis or osteopenia. If you’ve ever been nervous about your T-score and wondered if you’re doing everything right, this episode is for you.

Rebekah will help you understand what T-scores and DEXA scans mean and why these numbers can be helpful but aren't the whole story. Together we share practical tips on other important factors to consider for boosting your confidence and improving bone health, no matter your diagnosis.

Join us for a relaxed and informative conversation that goes beyond the numbers and offers a more intuitive approach to your bone health.

To learn more about Rebekah and her work, check out her website at or follow her on Instagram   / gotbuffbones   and on Facebook @BuffBones.

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00:00 Introduction
02:48 The Limitations of T-Scores
06:28 The Importance of Interoception
13:33 Metrics Beyond T-Score
27:58 Lifting Heavy Weights with Osteoporosis

******The information shared on this channel is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for advice regarding your specific health concerns or before making any changes to your health or wellness routine. What I share here is based on personal experiences, research, or opinions and should not be taken as professional guidance.


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