Easter Traditions in SLOVAKIA

Описание к видео Easter Traditions in SLOVAKIA

Hi everyone! Ahojte!

Slovakia has some of the most fascinating Easter traditions in the world.

We have made a list with some of the best for you to know them.

We hope you enjoy it!

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Image Credits:

Church bell (www.farnostgelnica.sk)
Boys with Rapkáče (Jaroslav Gustafik)
Hrudka (www.inspiracie.sk)
Velikonoční vajíčková pomazánka (www.prozeny.cz)
Velikonoční vajíčková pomazánka (shutterstock.com)
Špenátová polievka(daybyme.com)
Veľkonočný baranček (www.pernerka.sk)
Veľkonočná paska (pecenienasbavi.sk)
Fasting image (www.elissos.com)
Rapkáče (www.sashe.sk)
Meat (eltiempo.com)
Priest blessing (dolnyzemplin.korzar.sme.sk)
Women running (nitra.dnes24.sk)
Woman splashed with water (slovakia.travel.com)
Hrudka (www.maspoma.sk)
Decorated eggs (www.regionalnepulty.sk)
Mass (www.tvkosice.sk)
Woman thrown to river (Martin Kukučka /www1.pluska.sk)


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