The Power of Belief by jrdiaz

Описание к видео The Power of Belief by jrdiaz


One of the most powerful forces that any human being possesses is the power of belief. It is one of the greatest abilities that God has given each of us.

Now, what is belief and unbelief?

Belief is what one holds to be true. So, belief has to do with conviction, perception and truth. It is when a person takes God at His word. This is the reasonable thing to do, because God cannot lie and will never mislead anyone.

Unbelief is when a person decides not to take God at His word, not to rely on His promises. It is so powerful that it can stop the power of God.

The Scripture says that God had promised to give the children of Israel the land of Canaan, but they didn’t believe it anymore. Because of their unbelief, the Lord punished them (Numbers 14:11-12).

Also, when Jesus came to earth the same thing was repeated when He came to His home town Nazareth. He wanted to do a lot of wonderful work in that town but the Bible says, He could not because of their unbelief (Matt.13:57-58).

Jesus said, “According to your faith, it will be done to you” (Matt. 9:29). He also said, “Everything is possible for one who believes” (Mark:9:23).

So, belief and unbelief have the same power. What you don't believe has the same power as what you do believe. They can affect God's actions in our lives. And they can stop or move God in His work in our lives.

If you are interested to understand the details of this message, watch this thought-provoking video…


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