JBJS and AOA Webinar: Managing Osteoarthritis: Moving from Volume to Value

Описание к видео JBJS and AOA Webinar: Managing Osteoarthritis: Moving from Volume to Value

One response to statistics like that is the notion of “value-based health care.” How far has the orthopaedic community moved from a volume/fee-for-service-based model to one in which patients achieve the best possible musculoskeletal outcomes, payers expend the fewest possible dollars, and providers throughout the episodes of care are fairly compensated for their skill and compassion?

The American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) and The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) will host a complimentary one-hour webinar on April 12, 2018 at 8 pm EDT, that will try to answer these thorny questions. Three experts on cost, quality, and value in orthopaedics will discuss the cost drivers behind the problem, where arthritis management stands currently, and where the value-based care bandwagon is heading.


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