(Eng)완전한 음정을 위한 4가지 요소/4 elements to get a perfect intonation

Описание к видео (Eng)완전한 음정을 위한 4가지 요소/4 elements to get a perfect intonation

연습 루틴표

Practice Routine Table

이 연습루틴은 나의 바이올린 테크닉 북1, 고급편 (세광음악출판사)을 토대로 만들었습니다.
This video is based on the books Enjoying Violin Technique, My First Technique Book by Kerstin Wartberg.

Florin Iliescu&Jiyoung Iliescu-Lee
In Frankfurt, Germany

Jiyoung iliescu-Lee
Director of Pro-Violin Institute in Germany
  / violin_together  

Florin Iliescu (First concertmaster of Frankfurt Radio Symphony orchestra)
   / floriniliescu  
  / floriniliescuviolin  

English translation by Laurent Weibel

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