Orphaned baby squirrel rescued and raised in a cabin: the adventures of Chester, my pet squirrel.

Описание к видео Orphaned baby squirrel rescued and raised in a cabin: the adventures of Chester, my pet squirrel.

Raised as an orphaned baby squirrel, Chester is now a happy adult pet squirrel . He was raised on Fox Valley baby squirrel formula (every two hours). After two months inside, we gradually transitioned him to a "halfway house" outside to give him outdoor tree time during the day and a safe inside bed at night.

Little Chester was found at 5 weeks old and saved with huge help and advice from Julie the Squirrel Lady in Austin TX. She taught me all the key details on how to save an orphan squirrel, how to feed him and most of all, how to raise a happy little squirrel buddy!


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