Tribute to Soch Kral RA Mystic Sufi Saint/Poet/Potter of Kashmir | Inder Pulwama | Kralkoor

Описание к видео Tribute to Soch Kral RA Mystic Sufi Saint/Poet/Potter of Kashmir | Inder Pulwama | Kralkoor

Thothun kath wanan? You will find in this video.

Soch Kral, one of the early and prominent mystical poets of Kashmir, was born on the 7th of
Rab-ul-Awal 1271 Hijri (1775 AD) in the village of Koel in the District of Pulwama and left for
eternal abode in the year 1855 AD. The date of his death is inscribed on his tombstone at Inder
Pulwama (there is uncertainty about the date). In her book Quliyat-e-Soch Kral, Dr Mehfooza
Jan writes that the real name of Soch Kral was Ismail. The book Kashir Sufi Shayari, compiled
by Moti Lal Saqi, states the epoch started in 1774 and came to an end in 1854. His burial place is
in Inder Pulwama, where devotees pay homage to the saint. Soch Kral’s annual Urs is celebrated
on the 21st of August at his mausoleum.
کریوٹھ پیوم یبر دود ثہہ واًِتھ زاى کص
ضُی دود چھن جگرش
Krooth Pyoom Yaar Doodh Bi Wanith Zaan Kass
Sui Doodh Chum Jigras
The agonising pain of beloved, whom shall I enunciate!
That is the ailment my heart possesses.

Allama Iqbal visited Kashmir several times; he loved to spend time with the poets of the valley.
When he came here, he liked to stay in the houseboats on Srinagar's Dal Lake. He liked to listen
to the ghazals of the Sufi poets of Kashmir. It is said that once, Allama Iqbal visited Kashmir and
stayed in a houseboat. To welcome him, a gathering was organised and a group of singers were
invited, who recited poems by various poets. After singing a few ghazals, the singers started to
sing the most famous and celebrated ghazal of Soch Kral, "Dapoymai Baali Yaaras Yeer Lagav."
When Allama heard the whole ghazal, he was deeply impressed and wanted to meet the poet
who composed this lovely ghazal. Allama wanted to congratulate Soch Kral for writing such a
great poem, but he was informed that Soch Kral had left this mortal life many years back.
Allama was disappointed; he felt that he was unfortunate that he could not get the opportunity to
meet the great poet, Soch Kral.
A prominent man like Allama Iqbal praised Soch Kral and suggested to the followers of the
mystical path that they should visit the tomb of such a great poet regularly. Poets like Soch Kral
are very rare and are born rarely. He and his composed lines are immortal; he was truly a great
and creative genius, blessed by heaven. He will be remembered and will always be alive in the
hearts of people.
ثٌذٍ ًٌذرے گژھ ثیذارئے
رچھہِ ًبرئے هلک الججبر
Bandeh Nindri Gatch Bedaarai
Rachi Naarai Malik-ul-Jabar
Oh, the servant has awoken up from sleep
The absolute ruler will save us from the blaze of Tartarus.

Research Credit : Mr Imran Yousuf
(Writer, Translator, Accidental Poet) from Anantnag

Special thanks to : Ali Mohd Dar sb and villagers of Inder Pulwama

Gratitude : Its Shahyasiii…


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