Selenium Interview Questions | PART-1 | Implicit Wait Explained in Depth | Tamil

Описание к видео Selenium Interview Questions | PART-1 | Implicit Wait Explained in Depth | Tamil

In this video series for Selenium Interview questions, I will try my best to provide in-depth insights.

1. Why do we need Waits in Selenium?
Waits are very much important in Selenium automation. Without Waits, our tests won't work as expected. There are several reasons for any exceptions related to the web element. It could be the delay in loading the elements or there may not be any element with the locator provided and so on. In all these conditions, wait enables us to perform our operations effectively without breaking the tests.

2. Wait options available for Selenium:
Thread.sleep(), Implicit wait, Explicit wait and Fluent wait

3. Why use Selenium Waits over thread.sleep()?
Thread.sleep() reduces the performance of the code to a greater extent and it's not recommended.

4. Pros and cons of Implicit Wait:
a)We cannot mention any explicit condition to be met before performing any operation using Implicit Wait.
b) Implicit Wait, will not bother if the element is hidden or can be interacted. If the element is present in the DOM, it will immediately release the wait and will start performing the further operations which are not desirable at most of the situations.
c) Implicit Wait is applicable for all the web elements found using the web driver and implicit wait has power until driver.quit() is encountered.
d) We can't control the polling time-frequency using implicit wait.

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