android firebase cloud firestore database with coroutine | kotlin firestore crud example app | part2

Описание к видео android firebase cloud firestore database with coroutine | kotlin firestore crud example app | part2

android firebase cloud firestore database with coroutine | kotlin firestore crud example app | part2

In this video, let’s make a coroutine CRUD example app with
“Firebase Firestore Database” (add, select, update, delete).
Also save and load image file with “Firebase Storage”.

At last, We will make a simple app with
member register
member sign-in
modify member information,
delete member.

Part 1: add, select ----    • android firebase cloud firestore data...  

[ Part 2: update, delete ] ------ !!! this video !!!
Part 3: Upload image file and show image
Part 4: simple app (register with profile image, sign-in)
Part 5: simple app (modify, delete)

After finish these, you can get your Firebase Utility with coroutine
and Use it in your project.

kotlin version: 1.5.31
gradle version: 7.0.2

Keep subtitle on because maybe I’ll remind you some important hint in the subtitles.

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00:00 introduce
0:26 modify CloudFileStoreWrapper
2:17 modify Model Service
3:44 modify View Model
9:11 test
9:12 - update test
10:15 - delete test

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我们来学习一个Firebase Cloud Firestore 的例子吧,配合协程。

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KR ========
이번에 Firebase Cloud Firestore CURD with coroutine 예제 앱을 같이 공부합니다.

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