Chaos Campaign Intro Cinematic (Warhammer)

Описание к видео Chaos Campaign Intro Cinematic (Warhammer)

Chaos is the term used to describe the universal and usually malign spiritual force embodied by the malevolent intelligent entities composed of magical energy that lives in the Realm of Chaos. Chaos is a potent force that can unleash physical mutation and spiritual corruption upon the sentient beings of the world.

Chaos is a force of supernatural disorder and the antithesis of the natural world it invades. In perspective, it is akin to the ocean, a constant roiling force of emotion-fuelled change that constantly batters and invades the plane of the physical universe, which unlike Chaos is constant and stable, its existence defined by the rules of physical law and natural order. Like the ocean, Chaos' power waxes and wanes.

The realm from which Chaos emanates is a mirror-reflection of the natural world, and the psychic emanations of mortals' subconscious desires shape its landscape and denizens.

The beings of the Realm of Chaos are malevolent. They are always watching with amusement as mortals destroy each other and the world. Chaos has the potential to exist in all realms of the world because of the dark desires within mortal hearts.

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