Crimson Peak: Guillermo Del Toro's Haunted Mansion Movie

Описание к видео Crimson Peak: Guillermo Del Toro's Haunted Mansion Movie

Remember when back in 2010, Guillermo Del Toro announced that he was involved in the making of a new Haunted Mansion movie? Not only that, he clarified he did not wanted to make just another remake of the mansion, but to actually build an internal logic and strong gothic story for the ride's second movie attempt. A formal announcement was even made with a projected animation at the 2010 event, yet in 2020, in an interview, he said he thinks "the movie is not going to happen". If we add that it was recently announced that the 2016 Ghost Busters' screenwriter is now working to make another remake of the mansion...many of you might ask... What happened to Del Toro's mansion? Well, if we look at 2015 Crimson Peak, a Del Toro movie set in a victorian mansion with an axe wielding maniac and a pale, concealed master, murdered brides and a secretive attic (you see where I'm going to here?) we might find a few paralels with the Mansion. Many fans, as me, have wondered: Is Crimson Peak, the unmade Del Toro's mansion with a few changes due to copyright and the lack of Disney's involvement? We'll analyze all that in this video.


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