Песня Коммуны - Song of the Commune

Описание к видео Песня Коммуны - Song of the Commune

Today marks 150 years since the end of the Paris Commune. However, the memory of their revolution lives on. This is a song written in the aftermath of the October Revolution to honour the struggle of the Communards that had already taken place nearly 50 years prior.

Performer: Moscow State Choir (Государственный Московский Хор)
Year Recorded: 1976
Composer: Aleksandr Mitushin (Александр Митюшин)
Year Composed: 1920
Lyricist: Vasily Kniazev (Василий Князев)
Year Written: 1918
Source: Vinyl Record "Парижская Коммуна"
Image: Soviet poster "Long Live the Commune" ("Vive la Commune").


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