Vaxei 900pp!, Freddie Benson 1000pp Choke & more! - osu! Weekly #83 - live at COE 2019!

Описание к видео Vaxei 900pp!, Freddie Benson 1000pp Choke & more! - osu! Weekly #83 - live at COE 2019!

Click "Show more" to find your father who has been at the store for 13 years!

No giveaway, but still, follow our Twitter, ty.

  / to_the_tweet  

The order of the plays and news might be different from the order in the video!


1.) COE 2019 is here!
  / cavoes_osu_event_has_opened  

2.) I qualified
  / osucatch_chroma_i_mapset_by_ascendance_156...  

3.) New tutorial map
  / new_osututorial_map_in_collaboration_with  

4.) Rubiks Cube qualified
  / osustd_nanahoshi_kangengakudan_rubiks_cube...  

5.) Aspire Map Ranked
  / culprate_acid_rain_by_snownino_aspire_2018...  

6.) Bday of my favorite black osu player
  / today_is_varvalians_birthday_wish_him_a_happy  

7.) osu Memories 2
  / sakiz_osumemories_2_mapped_by_sotarks_on_c...  

1.) Vaxei Union HDDT
  / vaxei_765_million_allstars_union_we_are_all  

2.) Vaxei Mloda Krew HDDT
  / vaxei_zbuku_feat_sliwa_sztoss_mloda_krew_c...  

3.) Hebel Chika Chika HDDT
  / hebel_fujiwara_chika_cv_kohara_konomi_chik...  

4.) Vaxei Super Driver
  / vaxei_will_stetson_super_driver_fierys_ext...  

5.) Micca Guinea Pig Bridge HDDTHR

6.) Sakke Chika Chika HDDT
  / sakke_nanahira_chikatto_chika_chika_taeyan...  

7.) kutafix Hidamari no Uta HDDT
  / kutafix_kk_hidamari_no_uta_remake_ver_cell...  

8.) Freddie Benson JUSTadICE HDDTHR

9.) Reuto RoR No Mod FC

10.) Ekoro matzcore HDFL
  / ekoro_goreshit_matzcore_lolicore_hdfl_9677...  

11.) DanyL Koiiro ni Sake HDDT SS
  / danyl_chico_with_honeyworks_koiiro_ni_sake...  

12.) Spare Gaxaly Coplase
  / spare_kurokotei_galaxy_collapse_galaxy_965...  


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  / to_the_tweet  

What game is this?

osu! is a free-to-win online rhythm game!

osu! gameplay is based on a variety of popular commercial rhythm games. While keeping some authentic elements, osu! adds huge customisation via skins/beatmaps/storyboarding, online rankings, multiplayer and boasts a community with over 500,000 active users! Play the way you want to play, with your own music, and share your creations with others.


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