Bad Torque Converter Noise Ford Ranger

Описание к видео Bad Torque Converter Noise Ford Ranger

Got p0741 one day and when I came to a stop in gear I got this noise. Was bad torque converter.

More details about noise:
Noise only happened in a gear and with the vehicle stopped (not in neutral or park).
Noise goes away when in gear and you get over like 5 mph.

In gear and with the vehicle stopped the only parts moving are the torque converter and the fluid pump. Since noise goes away in neutral it eliminates the fluid pump.

Scanner showed that there was no torque converter lockup at all when the pcm was signaling for it.

Because of the code, the scan results and when noise occurred I diagnosed it as a torque converter (was right).

I believe the stator bearing had an issue or the TC clutch messed up. Either way one caused the other.

It was a reman TC from Advance and it last 30k miles.

Failure was sudden with no symptoms prior.


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