raagam: poornacandrikaa
29 dheera shankaraabharaNam janya
Aa: S R2 G3 M1 P D2 P S
Av: S N3 P M1 R2 G3 M1 R2 S
taaLam: aadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu
telisi rAma cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE O manasA
talapu lanni nilipi nimiSamaina tAraka rUpuni nija tatvamulanu
caraNam 1
rAmAyaNa capalakSula pEru kAmAdula pOru vAru vIru
rAmAyaNa brahmamunaku pEru AmAnava jananArtulu dIru
caraNam 2
akramanucu jilleDu taru pEru markaTa buddhu leTla dIru
arkuDanucu bhAskaruniki pEru kutarkamanu andhakAramu dIru
caraNam 3
ajamanucu mESamunaku pEru nija kOrika lElA gIDEru
ajuDani vAgIshavaruniki pEru vijayamu galgunu tyAgarAja nutuni
r,,r gmrg mpm-g ,mrs | r,,, ,,n.p rs,n srgm ||
r,rp mpdd pmp-g mrn.s | rgmp ,mgm pddp p,,, ||
rrgm pmdp Snp-R Snpm | rgmd p-RSn SRGM R,,, ||
RR-SM GMPM GMRS nRSn | p-Snp np-RS npm-g mrn.s ||
Meaning:by PT Rajalakshmi
pallavi: telisi - knowing
cintanatO - with thoughts
nAmamu - name (japa)
cEyavE - do
manasA - mind
Keeping thoughts of Rama steady in the mind, say his name steadily (even for one minute), oh mind.
anupallavi: talapulanni - your thoughts (anni - all)
nilipi - stopping
nimisha - minute
maina - even, only
tAraka roopuni - rama
nija - real
tattvamulanu - (tattva-way) his sayings and doings
Even for one minute, steadily thinking thoughts of his doings, say the name of Rama
caraNam 1: capalakSula - moving eyes all the time (aksha - eye)
ramayani - Rama is
pEru - name
kAmAdula - those with bad thoughts, desires
pEru - anem
vAru - those people
vEru - it is different
Rama is the name of girls with eyes moving all the time. The name of those with bad thoughts and desires is different.
ramayani - Rama is
brahamunaku - Brahmam's
peru - name
a manava - those souls
janartula - sincere people (jana - people, arthi - sincere tapas or thinking)
teeru - make disappear, destroy
Rama is Brahmam's name. It will make the troubles of those who do sincere tapas disappear.
caraNam 2: arkamanucu - milk-weed plant, called arka
jilledu - milk-weed, a tree for Pillayar
taru - tree
peru - name
markata - monkey
buddu - mind
etula - how
teeru - go away
When saying arka, if the mind thinks of milk-weed, how will monkey-like thoughts go away?
arkuDanucu - surya, also called arka
bhaskaruniki - sun
peru - name
tarkamanu - unnecessary arguments
andakaramu - darkness, ignorance
teeru - go away
When saying arka, if the mind thinks of the sun, the ignorance of unnecessary thoughts will disappear.
caraNam 3: ajamanucu - the male goat, called aja
mEsamu - male goat
peru - name
nija - real
korika - wants
elagu - how
eederu - achieve
When saying aja, if the mind thinks of the he-goat, how will real wants be achieved?
ajuDani - Lord Brahma, also called ajan
vAgIshavaruniki - consort (ishvaran) of saraswati (vak) also
pEru - name
vijayamu - success
galgunu - will come
tyAgarAja nutuni - praised by this tyagaraja
When saying aja, if the mind thinks of Lord Brahma, it will attain success. (Chant the name of Rama, praised by this tyagaraja)
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