Episode 3: The First World’s Fair - The Great Exhibition (1851)

Описание к видео Episode 3: The First World’s Fair - The Great Exhibition (1851)

Step into Victorian London's revolutionary moment - the birth of World's Fairs at the Great Exhibition of 1851. Journey through the magnificent Crystal Palace, where Prince Albert's vision united global innovation under gleaming glass and iron. Discover how this spectacular event showcased everything from the Koh-i-Noor diamond to American Colt revolvers, changing how the world shared knowledge and culture forever. Learn how this six-month celebration of human achievement drew six million visitors and left a lasting legacy that shaped museums, exhibitions, and international cooperation for generations to come.

#HistoryDocumentary #VictorianEra #IndustrialRevolution #CrystalPalace #BritishHistory #WorldsFair #PrinceAlbert #QueenVictoria #Engineering #Innovation #HistoricalMoments #Architecture #VictorianLondon #Museums #GlobalHistory #Education #Heritage #IndustrialDesign #VintagePhotography #HistoricalEngineering


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