Moody Talk Envy #4: How Social Media Effects Envy

Описание к видео Moody Talk Envy #4: How Social Media Effects Envy

For our final Moody Talk on Envy, we’re going to talk about how social media can cause our Envy antenna to go a little crazy 🤪

Do you scroll through your Facebook feed and see all the wonderful things that are going on in the lives of those you are “friends” with? And when I say friends I mean not just the people you stay in contact with but also the random people you end up connected to because of networking or friends of friends. Because we all know that we don’t know 800 people who mean so much to us. What about your Instagram feed or your TikTok “For You” page? Those social media sites don’t even necessarily need a “connection” to those you see. You’re watching people you have no connection with AT ALL.

So what happens to our Envy meter when we scroll for a few minutes (or hours) through the videos and pictures other people post of their AMAZING lives? We may not even notice what kind of toll it takes on our emotions - and why scrolling these sites can be damaging to our mental health.

So what should we do? Well, one choice would be disconnect! And if not a disconnect, maybe going back to our idea of an “antidote” for Envy.

As always, if you have any questions or comments about this month’s emotion, please don’t hesitate to comment below! If you would like to discuss a specific aspect of Envy, please let me know. Leave a comment or send me a DM! 🙏

If you are having a hard time coping with your emotions or you feel hopeless, I hope you will reach out to a trusted loved one, your doctor/therapist or the 988 suicide text hotline. You are not alone. You are loved 🌈


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