How to start an awakening? | Awakening #3 | Josh Hanushek

Описание к видео How to start an awakening? | Awakening #3 | Josh Hanushek

How to start a move of God? In this message you will learn how to start a awakening, who to love and how to love! We looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan. In this parable you'll see:

1. if you ask the question, be open to the Truth - You’re way is not better or smarter than God’s way. If you ask a question be open to the truth, don't just search for your answer to be reaffirmed
2. You can’t justify yourself by yourself - The lawyer wanted Jesus to re-affirm his lifestyle of how he lived and who he showed love to in attempt to make himself righteous. You can't make yourself holy or righteous in the eyes of God without Jesus.
3. Knowing is pointless, if you don't follow - Knowing what to do but not doing it is just academic knowledge. Follow Jesus. In every moment, with every person

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