K-1 Classics: Mike Bernardo vs. Masaaki Satake

Описание к видео K-1 Classics: Mike Bernardo vs. Masaaki Satake

K-1 Classics: Mike Bernardo vs. Masaaki Satake

Damn the late 90s was K-1 Prime! This match was quick but was very exciting! Bernardo was just scary in 96-98...Very heavy hitter. He fought Satake with no problems...

I have to give Satake credit where it's due. He went at it with Bernardo and even got Mike with a nice spinning roundhouse.

BTW the officials mess up with the time in round 1 by 10 seconds....either the bell official was too excited and thought he was a fan or he wanted Satake too last...but seeing Satake fell down he probably thought it was a TKO.

Great match!

From: K-1 Kings1997 - March 16, 1996

Saa! Enjoii!!

*This is from my VHS so it won't be HD but did my best to get it looking good in a big screen for you all :)


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