Team Building Events: Why, What, and How?

Описание к видео Team Building Events: Why, What, and How?

Team building is an important part of getting the best from your team. This is a thorough primer for any manager who needs to get team building right.

Watching this video is worth 6 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)

This video is part of course module number 4.3.1
Program 4: Managing & Leading Groups
Course 3: Teams
Section 1: Team Development & Team Building

Other videos in this section include:
- What is a Team    • What is a Team?  
- The Tuckman Team Development Model    • What is The Tuckman Model - Tuckman T...  
- Accelerate Team Development with Swift Trust    • What is with Swift Trust? Accelerate ...  
- Establishing Team Behavior Norms    • Establishing Team Behavior Norms - Te...  
- John Whitmore's Team Development Model    • John Whitmore's Team Development Model  
- Cog’s Ladder of Group Experiences    • What is Cog's Ladder of Group Experie...  
- The Drexler-Sibbet Team Performance Model    • What is The Drexler-Sibbet Team Perfo...  
- Kurt Lewin's Freeze Phases for Team Development    • What are Kurt Lewin's Freeze Phases f...  

Team building is:
A team event or activity designed to increase social cohesion and collaboration within a team.

It is not about functional, technical or process skills. Team building is not team training. It helps resolve breakdowns in teamwork and performance problems.

Team Building can be designed for many purposes, such as:
• Alignment around team objectives
• Clarity of roles & work allocation
• Improving collaborative behaviours
• Increasing trust and confidence
• Strengthening relationships and group cohesion
• Reducing conflict
• Appreciation of individual strengths, values, and styles
• Solving problems and improving critical thinking
• Strengthening decision-making processes
• Finding better ways to communicate with one another
• Building team member motivation to participate in workplace team efforts
• Enhancing commitment to the team as a social unit

Team building interventions will have one of two purposes:
1 Enhancement
2 Remedial

Team Building and the Tuckman Model
See the video on the Tuckman Model of Group formation    • What is The Tuckman Model - Tuckman T...  . We can relate typical team building objectives to the four stages of Tuckman’s group/team lifecycle.

How to Do Team Building Well
Trying to do team building on the cheap can set the team back as readily as it can move it forward. There are three principal stages:
1 Clear objectives
2 Careful design to meet objectives
3 Effective debrief

Three Cautions, to get Team Building Right
- Rebellion
- Accessibility
- Safety

You have a duty of care to your colleagues and staff. So, you need to properly test activities, that are planned and run by skilled and experienced facilitators.

1. Could your team benefit from a team building activity? If so, would it be remedial or for team enhancement? (1 MC CPD Point)
2. If your team could benefit from team building, what would be your objectives? (2 MC CPD Points)
3. If you develop a team building event of any sort, you'll need to plan it carefully. (4 MC CPD Points)

Free Resources
- CPD Tools -
Paid resources
- Management Courses Onboarding Kit - ($3)

- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- The Wisdom of Teams
- The Belbin Guide to Succeeding at Work
- Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart
- Pulling Together: 10 Rules for High-Performance Teamwork
- HBR's 10 Must Reads on Teams

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: (the links are affiliated)

Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
Download it at:

Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
- If you simply watched the video, record 6 MC CPD points
- If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 13 MC CPD points

Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon

#Management #ManagementCourses #TeamBuilding team building activities mike clayton management training team building events


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