Does soy increase risk for breast cancer? - Abby Langer

Описание к видео Does soy increase risk for breast cancer? - Abby Langer

Does soy increase risk for breast cancer?

Welcome to Reel #1 in a series where I partnered with Soy Nutrition Institute Global about soy truths.

Because soybeans have isoflavones – commonly classified as phytoestrogens –some women have been reluctant to consume soy foods out the fear of
an increased risk for breast cancer.

This fear is largely based on a series of rodent studies done with soy isoflavones in the 1990s.

The issue? We aren’t rodents. That and rodents metabolize isoflavones differently than humans do.

Phytoestrogens are not hormones, and they don’t exert the same effects on our bodies as our own estrogen.

Research shows that the concern around soy and cancer is unfounded, even for breast cancer survivors.

According to the evidence (PMID: 31754945) and the American Institute for Cancer Research, soy foods may actually reduce the risk for breast cancer in some women.

In a meta-analysis of over 11,000 breast cancer survivors, a diet high in soy resulted in a 26% reduction in recurrence and a 16% reduction in mortality (PMID: 23725149)

A diet that’s high in plant foods, including soy, has been shown to be beneficial for health. As a dietitian, I recommend including soy in your diet at least twice a week to reap its many benefits.

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